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Trip in spring, don’t forget to bring flat-topped straw hat

Spring in March, the weather is getting warmer, the grass green and the flowers open. Girls are also unable to bear loneliness and start to have a trip, in order to enrich leisure life.

Of course, you don't forget the travel necessities. Girls always bring dressed up accessories and SLR cameras on travel. Competitive product of dress accessories belongs to hat. Travel in spring, flat-topped straw hat let girls fondle admiringly. In travel, SLR camera can record the beautiful memories.


flat-topped straw hat with green ribbon


flat-topped straw hat with green ribbon


White shirt, gives the feeling of pure for person; childish smile, makes your heart warm, match the flat-topped straw hat with green ribbon, immediately give a person a feel of youthful vitality.


flat-topped straw hat of flower decoration


flat-topped straw hat of flower decoration


The smile of southern girl is so charming, casual hairstyle matches this flat-topped straw hat of flower decoration is sending out the fair maiden temperament, let people really like. It is a good thing that use SLR camera to record the beautiful picture as precious memories.


restore ancient ways of flat-topped straw hat


restore ancient ways of flat-topped straw hat


Outside the wall, recording this classic moment is a good idea. Vintage sweater, restore ancient ways of long hair, restore ancient ways of flat-topped straw hat, restore ancient ways of high walls, the whole picture is so classic and harmonious.

Flat-topped straw hat is a competitive product of spring fashion hats, when trip in spring, please don’t forget to bring flat-topped straw hat.


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